
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Just another PR stunt by the ANC?

On Wednesday 5 April, President Jacob Zuma announced at Pretoria that the country's 264 Further Education and Training (FET) colleges will receive R2.5 billion budget boost for refurbishment and the construction of new campuses over the next three years.

The aim of this budget allocation is to improve the role of skills development by colleges to the economic activities of the country. He also emphasized the fact that colleges must improve their performance, absorb more students and increase the number of graduates they produce annually. He also stressed the point that infrastructure development is a crucial role played by the FET colleges including power stations, expanding ports and rail lines, modernising road networks, irrigation systems, schools, hospitals, universities, renewable energy plants, building dams, etc.

He mantained the fact that he wants to give school-leavers, including the disheartened ones- some of whom stand on street corners daily with no hope for the future- to come back to the education and training system and benefit from vocational training.

One may ask though, with such a high number of unemployed youth some of which are graduates- what will happen after they have aquired they qualifications and find no work? According to Bloomberg, South Africa's latest unemployment figures makes the country one with the highest official unemployment statistic among 61. Statistics released by Stats SA marks that the official unemployment figure is now 25%.

Now what puzzles me is that, since this lumpsome of a budget is being allocated-to whose "responsible" hands will it land to? and will this plan to build more campuses actually be achieved considering the corrupt and greedy government officials and their obsession with money? or is this just one of those publicity stunts by the African National Congress (ANC) to make themselves look like they are actually doing something to better the lives of ordinary South Africans? Lets discuss this further shall we...


  1. Hi N. well, I think that the ANC's cruelty and corruption is now more visible than ever and the people are realizing that they only get used for votes during election times so that they (the leaders) mantain their positions. When all is said and done they forget about the people and their grieviences. and yes this is just another PR stunt by the ANC, most officials involved in this project will keep some of the money to themselves if not all of it. It's quiet sad how things are being run in this country and how the youth in particular are the real victims in the process

  2. Well a valid point you added there anonymous and its true, the most people who are affected by such mismanagement of funds allocated for the youth are the youth its self. I believe that the state does provide for the youth but because some people are greedy, they prefer keeping the money to themselves and the objectives are never met at the end of the day. As for the ANC I doubt they will be gaining peoples trusts in the next 10 years because they are failing their people

  3. It is puzzeling indeed. becouse our govrnment is strugling to create jobs for the youth.They should try establishing companies and give the qualified jobs.

  4. @Motsofeeds thats true hey,the problem with the government is that there is too much nepotism going on in state departments. they act as if they care about the youth but when the time comes for them to give the youth jobs they fail to
